Brand New Aftermarket Electro-Voice Sentry 100, Musicaster Diaphragm Ring. This is the plastic ring that goes underneath the 89222A diaphragm.
Diaphragm used in Sentry 100, Sentry 500, Sentry 505, Musicaster, University Sound Musicaster 100, CD35, CM12-2, CM-12, CX100, EJ2, EM12CX, FM12C , FM12-2, FR10-2B, FR12-2B, PI100, 100EL, INT1-2, INT2-2, INT3-2, INTA-3, INTA-4, INTB-3, INTB-4, INTC-2, INTC-4, MS802, TS12-2, Electro-Voice Century 100A tweeter, Electro-Voice MS802.
(Final picture shows the ring on tweeter plate. Tweeter plate not included)
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