Zenith Fieldcoil Speaker Repair

zenith field coil 3 1

We specialize in Vintage speaker repairs. It is difficult to repair many older speakers because the parts are no longer available. We often have to use our special Spex magic to modify existing parts so the repairs happen but abracadabra and all that jazz.

Here are “before” and “after” photos of an old Zenith speaker recone we just completed. In case you don’t know, a fieldcoil is a semi-permanent magnet in which the field is produced by an electromagnet rather than by a permanent magnet. It was often used in juke boxes and organs, but is not as popular due to the invention of the permanent alnico or ceramic and now neo magnets.

Just think… if we can succeed on these older speakers, we can perform our magic on your speakers too.

IMG_20150601_163042 IMG_20150601_163051 IMG_20150601_163056 zenith field coil 3 zenith field coil 4 zenith field coil 5

2 thoughts on “Zenith Fieldcoil Speaker Repair

  1. Richard Siemsen says:

    I have a Zenith 49-81 6″ electrodynamic that needs reconed and probably new voice coil. What kind of cost would I be looking at? This is out of 807 model. Others models similar. I will determine if field coil , humbucker and output transformer are good before shipping to you.


    • Cathy Satin says:

      Even though this has a field coil, the reconing is very typical to what we consider a “most brand” repair. Charges for most are $70.00 each. If there are any specific variations that require additional charges we will notifiy you once we have the speaker in house.

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